Special Work Day to Prepare for Spring Ordeal @ Claytor Lake
Brothers of Tutelo Lodge,
As you may have heard, the Spring Ordeal for Tutelo Lodge will be at Claytor Lake Aquatics Base March 23-25, not at Camp Ottari (which has been the norm for the last few years). In order to prepare this new location for the logistics of the experience, some service is needed to prepare the site in advance of the function so that everyone present can have a fantastic and meaningful opportunity to serve, grow, and enjoy fellowship.
In order to facilitate this, it was decided at the January Lodge Meeting to hold a workday at Claytor Lake Aquatics Base on March 3 from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM, or until service is completed. At this event, a hot dog and chip lunch will be available for those who fill out the the short registration form linked here. All who plan to attend are asked to complete the survey so that we can efficiently assign crews, track service hours, and be aware of all who are present.
I’m writing this email to ask for your help. In order to allow Ordeal and Brotherhood Candidates to have a deep, sincere, and moving experience, I need you. If difficulty in finding transportation is an issue, please be aware that, if you note it on the below below form, I can help you find drivers in your area.
Yours in Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service,
Tom Baker
Tutelo Lodge #161
Inductions Committee Chair