Tutelo Lodge Officers & Advisers

Tutelo Lodge 161 Officers

Note: This list was compiled from local and national sources during Tutelo Lodge's 2015 history project. If you know of a name that is missing from this list, please contact us at history@tutelo161.org and provide us with as much information as possible (officer's name, position, year, etc.). Copies or photographs of meeting minutes, lodge newsletters, or other documents are also helpful.
2024Cara NewbillEvan BryantZeb Byrne-Cox
Zeb Byrne-CoxZach McKenzieCara Newbill
2022Erik Covington
Wyatt Bryant
Wyatt Bryant
Gwen D
Gwen D
Jelal Kaufman
Adam Molseed
2021Mack CalvertWyatt BryantErik CovingtonDanielle DavisZach McKenzie
2020Will HarlessZach McKenzieMack CalvertDustin ThomasJosh Hardy
2019Sam BystrekJ. D. CastlemanJacob SpiersAndrew AbernathyLucas Birdlebough
2018John NimmoJohn WarrenSam BystrekHunter French, IIIRichard Cherry
2017Edward BlountJ. D. CastlemanTom BakerTakoda CashionAustin Dickerson
Sam Bystrek
2016Carter S. Elliott, IV
Jacob DeJarnette
Jacob Dejarnette
Hunter Jobe
Riley MillwardWilliam Martin
Troy Chaconas
Tom Baker
2015Brent T. ReutterWarren CrandallCarter S. Elliott, IVNeal MeissnerNiemann Pest
2014James CrandallTyler McGaugheySam McGheeJohn NimmoSpencer Knox
2013Brandon WinesettJames CrandallAdam ClineSeth RamsayBen Corfield
2012Matt RosendahlBrandon WinesettBen Webster
Drew Miller
Seth RamsayCarter S. Elliott, IV
2011Tyler WrightJeremy JonesMatt RosendahlNick LindsayBrent T. Reutter
2010Mike LewisTyler WrightMarcus YanceyP. J. MollicaDonyai Tucker
2009Eric WardMarcus YanceyWill MillerScott OverackerKyle Taylor
2008Drew MorrisEric WardParker VasickAdam NicholasMatt Chapin
2007Matt AllenDrew MorrisEric WardEvan ArmourMatt Chapin
2006Nick AllgauerDaniel MurrayMatt AllenCharlie BarnettDanny Moylan
2005Carter WardJim DavisAlex HaneyEric WardJ.J. Wenrich
2004Bradley Long
Carter Ward
Carter WardJim DavisChristopher NicholasJ.J. Wenrich
2003Brandon GregoryNoah HallBradley LongAlex HaneyMichael Munton
2002Justin HortonBrandon GregoryBradley LongCarter WardLewis Kellison
2001Johannes BoschBrandon GregoryBailey JonesWilliam BrownJeff Barnes
Lewis Kellison
2000Mitch IrvinJustin HortonJohn NeathawkBradley LongRobbie Bullen
1999Jeff BarnesDaniel WarburtonShawn AllieBailey JonesJason Brown
1998Micah EnglundMitch IrvinJeff BarnesAndy BrownBobby McFall
1997Harry P. MontoroAndrew GrayPaul WrightPhilip SpradlinGarret Goad
1996Jack WarburtonChris HaneyHarry P. MontoroJohn KingeryAlan Boyce
1995Chris BryantJack WarburtonChris HaneyHarry P. MontoroMicah Englund
1994Tom WarburtonChris BryantMicah EnglundAaron NoeJason Berg
1993Mike ReynoldsChris BryantMicah EnglundDenny BarbourScott Smith
1992Chris HorwegeTom WarburtonArvid EnglundScott SmithSean Regan
1991Scott McCoyPierre PritchettChris HorwegeBrad PlasterSean Regan
1990Ed TarkingtonSean Regan
1989Erick MoellerSean Regan
1988Jamie Oliver
Greg Winston
Erick MoellerEd TarkingtonMark McSherrySean Regan
1987Mike GarnettBill MooseSteve KeenMark McSherryJamie Oliver
1986Eric LassiterJoe CoyleWayne VerityKurt RichertRob Bashore
1985Scott BashoreDaniel MontagueTim ClabbersDan ClabbersKen Early
1984Mike GlasgowH. David PauleyScott BashoreEddie NelsonTim Clabbers
1983Daniel MontagueDavid LassiterMike GlasgowFred SitesChris Copenhaver
1982Alex MasonDavid LassiterDaniel MontagueGreg GoochScott Obenchain
1981Kevin DillonDavid KeyAlex MasonMike KellerAlex Mason
1980Hagen GilesJeff HarrisA. J. TrimbleNeal CrawfordKevin Dillon
1979Dave GriffinMark BeedenbenderTodd BergHagen GilesBrian Keyser
1978Jeff JanoskoChancie CrowderTommy CrowderJohn BairdJohn Berg
1977Ray RudisillJames PotterBill DouglasChancie CrowderTommy Crowder
1976Chip JohnsonJeff JanoskoRay RudisillBill DouglasReggie Tuck
1975Joe ThrasherChip JohnsonJohn ThrasherJeff JanoskoRay Rudisill
1974Wayne HildrethJohn ThrasherJoe ThrasherChip JohnsonTom Rogers
1973Brad RoscoeWayne HildrethSteve HendricksJoe ThrasherDonnie Robertson

Tutelo Lodge 161 Advisers

Note: This list was compiled from local and national sources during Tutelo Lodge's 2015 history project. If you know of a name that is missing from this list, please contact us at history@tutelo161.org and provide us with as much information as possible (officer's name, position, year, etc.). Copies or photographs of meeting minutes, lodge newsletters, or other documents are also helpful.
2024Bobby BurlesonGary Harvey
Don Clark
Ken Lyons
2023Steve AdkinsGary Harvey
Brian Brumfield
Ken Lyons
2022Steve AdkinsGary Harvey
Bill Birdlebough
Hunter Layne
2021Steve AdkinsGary Harvey
Christina Powell
Bill Birdlebough
Hunter Layne
2020Steve AdkinsGary Harvey
Christina Powell
Bill Birdlebough
Dan Cross
2019 Steve AdkinsGary Harvey
Christina Powell
Scott Smith
Chris Dempsey
2018Steve AdkinsChris Dempsey
2017Steve AdkinsChris Dempsey
2016Kevin ReedyKen Lyons
2015Kevin ReedyKen Lyons
2014Kevin ReedyKen Lyons
2013Kevin ReedyChris Dempsey
2012Kevin ReedyChris Dempsey
2011Jim NicholasBrandon Gregory
Chris Dempsey
2010Jim NicholasBrandon Gregory
2009Jim NicholasBrandon Gregory
2008Jim NicholasKen Lyons
2007David RutherfordKen Lyons
2006David RutherfordKen Lyons
2005David RutherfordKen Lyons
2004Kevin BezyMicah Englund
2003Kevin BezyMicah Englund
2002Kevin BezyMicah Englund
2001Kevin BezyMicah Englund
2000Kevin BezyChris Bryant
1999Kevin BezyKen Lyons
1998Kevin BezyKen Lyons
1997Kevin BezyKen Lyons
1996Kevin BezyMichael Wright
1995Kevin BezyMichael Wright
1994Kevin BezyDenny Barnhart
Michael Wright
1993J. Chad HendersonCraig DePuy
1992J. Chad HendersonCraig DePuy
1991J. Chad HendersonCraig DePuy
1990J. Chad HendersonCraig DePuy
1989Bob WhitakerCraig DePuy
1988Bob WhitakerStu Schwarzer
1987Bob WhitakerStu Schwarzer
1986Mike CannadayStu Schwarzer
1985Bill IrvinStu Schwarzer
1984Bill IrvinStu Schwarzer
1983Bill IrvinNorm Schaefer
1982Bill IrvinNorm Schaefer
1981Bill IrvinNorm Schaefer
1980Bill IrvinNorm Schaefer
1979George D. Carr
Bill Irvin
Norm Schaefer
1978George D. CarrScott Jeffers
1977George D. CarrScott Jeffers
1976George D. CarrScott Jeffers
1975George D. CarrScott Jeffers
1974George D. CarrHoward Christy
1973George D. CarrH. Tony TuckerHoward Christy