Powhatan Lodge Officers & Advisers

Powhatan Lodge 456 Officers

Note: This list was compiled from local and national sources during Tutelo Lodge's 2015 history project. If you know of a name that is missing from this list, please contact us at history@tutelo161.org and provide us with as much information as possible (officer's name, position, year, etc.). Copies or photographs of meeting minutes, lodge newsletters, or other documents are also helpful.
YearLodge ChiefVice ChiefVC DistrictsVC CommitteesSecretaryTreasurer
1951-52Donald M. Mitchelln/an/a
1952-53Barnette Keith Haley, Jr.n/an/a
1953-54David Brumbaughn/an/a
1954-55Don Haleyn/an/a
1955-56Lewis Whitescarvern/an/a
1956-57Alexander "Sandy" Mullinn/an/a
1957-58Tommy Carrolln/an/a
1958-59Jack Davisn/an/a
1959-60Ted Shepherdn/an/a
1960-61Dana E. Drewn/an/aHarold V. Smith
1961-62Bobby Garstn/an/an/aTom BrownJohn Wilson
1962-63Tom WolcottDickie Hancockn/an/aBarry CohenJack Vest
1963-64Richard HancockSteve Vaughann/an/aSteve JamisonCorbin Plymale
1964-65Richard HancockE.C. Warrenn/an/aArthur FoleyJames Blankenship
1965-66E.C. WarrenArthur Foleyn/an/aK. Preston Young, Jr.David Carper
1966-67Arthur FoleyTommy Jordann/an/aJ.E. Blankenship
Steve McGraw
Bob McGraw
1967-68Tommy JordanCharles Rhodesn/an/aSteve McGrawSteve Mills
1968-69Tommy JordanSteve Millsn/an/aRobert McCloudAllen Camden
Chris Joyce
1969-70Steve Millsn/aBill IrvinBruce LawrenceChris JoyceSteve Carron
1970-71Bruce Lawrencen/aVince HowardAl MerrillSteve SheddRonnie Garren
1971-72n/aGeorge "Buddy" Turner
1972Brad Roscoen/a

Powhatan Lodge 456 Advisers

Note: This list was compiled from local and national sources during Tutelo Lodge's 2015 history project. If you know of a name that is missing from this list, please contact us at history@tutelo161.org and provide us with as much information as possible (officer's name, position, year, etc.). Copies or photographs of meeting minutes, lodge newsletters, or other documents are also helpful.
YearLodge "Lay" AdviserStaff Adviser
1954J. B. Jones
1955J. B. Jones
1956J. B. Jones
1957J. B. JonesTom Howell
1959Jere Williams
1960Jere Williams
1961J. B. JonesJere Williams
1962J. B. JonesJere Williams
1963J. B. JonesJere Williams
1964J. B. JonesJere Williams
1965J. B. JonesBob Bashore
1966J. B. JonesBob Bashore
1967J. B. Jones
1968J. B. Jones
George D. Carr
G. Howard Christy
1969George D. CarrG. Howard Christy
1970George D. CarrG. Howard Christy
1971George D. Carr
1972George D. Carr