It’s Time to Pay 2017 Dues!
You’ve probably heard the phrase “once and Arrowman, always an Arrowman.” That is certainly true, but there’s more to it than that. Once inducted into the Order of the Arrow, a Scout or Scouter is always considered a member of the Order of the Arrow as long as he/she is a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
All OA members are entitled to wear the OA sash and the Universal Arrow Ribbon on the right pocket of the BSA field uniform. However, lodge dues must be current in order to enjoy the benefits of lodge membership, which include the privilege of wearing the lodge flap on the BSA field uniform, receiving the Torchbearer and other lodge publications, and attending lodge events including Ordeal weekends, fellowships, banquets, conclaves, and regional/national events as part of Tutelo Lodge’s contingent.
Tutelo Lodge dues for 2017 are $15.00, and may be paid in person at the Council Office in Roanoke, by mail using the enclosed form, or online at
If you have questions about your membership status, please reach out to the Membership Committee by emailing them at
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