Conclave Registration Deadline Approaching

Tutelo Lodge worked very hard to host the 2016 Conclave at Camp Powhatan, and now it’s our turn to relax and enjoy the hospitality of Blue Heron Lodge 349 at Pipsico Scout Reservation!

On the weekend of April 28-30, more than 150 Tutelo Arrowmen will join brothers from around Virginia for the SR-7A Conclave. The weekend will feature training, sports, games, American Indian activities, gatherings (including FireFest and a section birthday party), ceremonies training and evaluation, an Expo featuring awesome exhibits and activities, and much more!

Veteran Arrowmen will enjoy the Vigil Rededication ceremony, while new members will have the opportunity to participate in the exclusive New Ordeal Luncheon with a special guest speaker.
If you’re an OA Troop Representative or adviser, there will be a Troop Representative Summit where you can learn how to be a key player in strengthening your troop through use of the OA program. It will also be a great chance to share ideas and best practices from your own unit!

Tutelo Lodge will be in the running to win the Lodge of the Year Award, Quest for the Golden Arrow, and Spirit Award, but we need you to register and participate in this event!

The lodge’s spirit theme for this year will be lumberjacks, so be sure to get your flannel shirts, blue jeans, and beards ready! The Trading Post Committee will be selling embroidered Tutelo Lodge stocking caps for $10 to add to the fun!

Registration for Conclave is only $40 and includes a patch, goodie bag, and meals during the event. However, a late fee kicks in on March 28th, so be sure to register before then! If you need help getting to Conclave, most local chapters will be organizing carpools, so check with your chapter chief or adviser. For more information on Conclave or to register, visit or