A Busy Summer: Prism & Next
In June, a contingent of Tutelo Arrowmen (including J.D. Castleman, Troy Chaconas, Warren Crandall, Jacob DeJarnette, Riley Millward, Chris Bryant, Gary Harvey, Taylor McKinnis, and Kevin Reedy) had the opportunity to experience an inaugural ceremony at the Summit Circle, which is the ceremonial site located at the Summit Bechtel Reserve. Also, the Arrowmen were able to explore the Summit and preview what will be available at the 2017 National Jamboree. In addition, participants engaged in service projects and training sessions. The Summit Circle is a recreation of the first ceremonial ring at Treasure Island on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania, which was recently abandoned due to repeated flooding. The stone podium was taken directly from the original ring. Also, the Summit Circle showed the original tests of the Ordeal. The tests were “stick together,” “lift one another,” and “join hands.” Prism was a great experience for all who attended.
From July 30th to August 3rd, a delegation of five (Jacob DeJarnette, Riley Millward, John Nimmo, Mike Holcomb, and Kevin Reedy) went to the NEXT conference at Indiana University. While there, they learned about many new programs that national has created to help the lodge. They also learned best practices from other lodges that will be used to ensure our lodge’s success in the second century of the Order. There were many great seminars for the youth and adults to learn from, and there were many fun games. Feedback from the lodges will be used to help develop the next strategic plan for the Order of the Arrow. A bonus was that the delegation got to scout out the next NOAC location, and it looks like it will be a great place. Tutelo Lodge looks forward to returning to Indiana University for NOAC in 2018.
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