2024 Unit Elections – Mingo

Chapter Chief: Christian Bolling
Chapter Adviser: Lori Kendrick
Contact Email: mingo@tutelo161.org
Geographic Area: Mingo Chapter serves the troops of the Great Valley District, which
includes Roanoke and Roanoke County, Salem, Botetourt County, Craig County and
the Blue Ridge and Villamont areas of Bedford County.
Meetings: The Mingo Chapter typically meets on the first Sunday of every month at 2 pm at Second
Presbyterian Church 214 Mountain Ave SW Roanoke, VA 24016. There are no meetings for the months
of June or July. Our August and December meetings are typically held in the community and the dates,
times, and locations will be announced to members by email.  We look forward to seeing all Mingo
Chapter members at our monthly meetings.

2024 Ordeal Opportunities

Register for all Functions at tutelo161.org. The cost for an Ordeal Weekend is $65. Preregistration for
all functions is required. No walk-in registrations will be allowed.

Summer Ordeal – June 7-9, 2024, at Camp Powhatan
Fall Ordeal – September 13-15, 2024, at Camp Powhatan
——————————————————–Tear Here —————————————————-

Spirit of the Arrow- SOA#1

Upon a Lofty Journey Boy Scouts of America-Order of the Arrow
Save this booklet for future reference
My friend, I congratulate you on your election to the Order of the Arrow. You may not realize it now, but
you will look back on today as a new beginning. The honor you have received is great, for you have been
elected to it by your fellow Scouts. But such an honor is not without its price. Those who chose you are
watching. They have faith in you. Their vote of confidence in you is a challenge: will you live up to their
expectations? By accepting their challenge, you embark upon a journey that many before you have
taken. It leads to true brotherhood and greater service. I am here to help you find your way— to help
you discover your true worth. Who am I? For now, it is enough to say that I am a close friend of yours,
and have been for a long time. I am looking forward to getting to know you even better. As part of your
Induction into the Order of the Arrow, you will be given the opportunity to undergo an Ordeal. It will
test your physical strength and your inner strength. If you complete it, you will find yourself better able
to serve those who elected you. You will also begin to understand who I am.